Tuesday was the start of this exciting week, as I took part in "National Night Out" in Scottsbluff. It was a little rainy at first, but there was still a great turnout and I got to meet a lot of excited kids!
Wednesday was the Rubber Check race at the fairgrounds. The Fair Queens and I had a great time, as we were introduced in the arena and then got to watch the race.

On Thursday, the Mud Bog was held at the fairgrounds, and I got to be introduced in a huge monster truck. The Fair Queens and I also got to hold out the money for the "Dash for Cash"- the guys got to run through the mud bog to reach the money on the other end. There was a lot of flying mud that night!

On Friday, I helped out at the United Way booth selling ducks for their annual Rubber Duck Dash. Sales are going great for this fun event, and they're giving away a really cool 2010 Camaro! As one of the largest fundraisers we hold, this race does a lot for United Way and is one of the most fun parts of serving on the Special Events Committee.

Later that evening, the Fair Queens and I went to the Bull Riding to be introduced and watch the competition. We walked out into the arena and began being introduced. Our Miss Scottsbluff County, Jessica Littlejohn, was standing to my right, and I was going to be the last to be introduced. The picture below was taken at this time. Then, as she stepped forward and began waving, we suddenly heard screaming, and before I even had time to look around, I saw her flying through the air in front on me, being thrown by the head of a huge bull. I watched until she finally landed on the ground, unconscious, before I realized what was going on - a bull had kicked one of the chutes open and had charged her before anyone could stop it. Somehow, as I don't remember how, I got out the gate behind me as the bull fighters and EMTs rushed in to help her. I felt my crown get ripped off my head as we pushed past eachother, but there was no way I was going to turn around to get it! Someone picked it up and got it back to me as we watched her get moved onto a stretcher and rushed to the ER. The girls and I went to the hospital to see her, and found she had a concussion, but no broken bones or other complications. She spent the night at Regional West Medical Center, and was released Saturday afternoon. We are all so very lucky she was not seriously hurt, and the rest of us were completely unharmed. It could have been much, much worse. We later found out that the bull that had thrown her was the only one there without horns. God was certainly protecting us that night!

Saturday morning, I had the opportunity to ride in the Fair Parade in Mitchell. It was a nice hot day, and a lot of fun! That afternoon I helped out at the United Way booth again, and then attended the annual Weiner Dog Races. It was so much fun and I handed out prizes and took pictures with the winning dogs.

The Trailer Choir concert finished off fair week with lots of energy and excitement! We got to meet the band and were introduced on stage, and we even came up and danced with them for one of their songs! Jessica was back with us that evening too, so we were all relieved and happy to be together again. The whole week was so much fun and definitely reminded everyone to be thankful for everything and never take a thing for granted.

With Much Gratitude,
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